Sentimental Productions has recently released four new video programs. Three titles are in the Timeless Trivia Series:
Episode 19: Treasures of the National Parks
Beautiful scenery from our Sentimental Serenity series combined with interesting and sometimes surprising questions and answers. This video also explores other sites of the National Park Service like historic trails, national seashores and notable monuments. Viewers see gorgeous footage of Rocky Mountain National Park; Great Smoky Mountain National Park and Acadia National Park in Maine among other sites.
Episode 20: Rivers, Landmarks & Waterways
Viewers of this episode of Timeless Trivia see and learn about many famous rivers and waterways across the nation.The number of U.S. rivers alone astounds almost anyone who doesn’t know the answer. Landmarks ranging from the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty in New York to Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay are also explored. So are some of the unique waterways like canals that shaped the nation’s history and helped develop early transportation and commerce.
Episode 21: The Evolution of Television
Compared to the high-definition quality of modern television, the blurry black and white images of the first TV shows now seem primitive. But as this episode of Timeless Trivia reveals, early TV set in motion the evolution of entertainment and information that is so pervasive today. It’s fun to remember the early shows, but the questions, answers and commentary also explore the shows that flopped, those that survived and those that succeeded in our collective memory. The old television clips are sure to spark happy memories.
The fourth new video is Sentimental Reflections: Our Best Musical Journeys.
This program is a look back at some of our favorite music segments since Sentimental Reflections began in 2004. From learning about different instruments, styles of music and featuring several music museums, we’ve learned a lot and featured plenty of talented performers along the way.
The videos are also available to stream. Click here for more information about streaming video only from Sentimental Productions.
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